Luna Angelini 

   PhD student




Université de Lorraine - CNRS
Ingénierie moléculaire, cellulaire et physiopathologie (IMoPA)
UMR 7365

Pavillon Krug ( CC-1), Hopital Central

CHRU Nancy - University Hospital of Nancy

29 Av. du maréchal de Lattres de Tassigny

54035 NANCY Cedex, FRANCE

Email :




Research Interets

My research interests revolve around social and cognitive neuroscience. I have always been fascinated by the underlying mechanisms of healthy and pathological behaviour. While studying for my master’s degree, I developed a strong interest in the neural basis of human face identity recognition, one of the key aspects of social cognition and social interactions. The goal of my PhD project is to understand how faces are connected to a specific familiar identity through the application of populationlevel neurophysiological measures on temporal lobe refractory epilepsy patients. Specifically, my aim is to employ FPVS, SEEG, and scalp EEG recordings to investigate face identity recognition and contribute to the validation of the epileptic brain model.



Lupo, M., Olivito, G., Angelini, L., Funghi, G., Pignatelli, F., Siciliano, L., Leggio, M., & Clausi, S. (2020). Does the cerebellar sequential theory explain spoken language impairments? A literature review. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 1–14.