Natural Face and Object Stimuli used with FPVS

Click here for the Natural Face and Object Stimuli used in the study of Rossion et al., 2015.
Rossion, B., Torfs, K., Jacques, C., Liu-Shuang, J.  (2015). Fast periodic presentation of natural face images reveals a robust face-selective electrophysiological response in the human brain. Journal of Vision, 15, 1, 18. [PDF
These stimuli were downloaded from various web sources and have been used in the study above as well as in other ongoing studies in the lab . You can easily replicate our study using the parameters described in the paper (i.e., 5.88 Hz stimulation of objects, 1 face out of 5 picked randomly, 64s duration of stimulation etc.). EEG data can be collected in a few minutes and data analysis in the frequency-domain is straightforward.